ISSN 2693-6356

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Volume 5 Issue 4 July - August 2022

Laparoscopy and Laparotomy for Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma: Short- and Long-Term Outcomes’ Comparison

Rajesh V Giri
Article PDF | Page No : 1-12

Deciphering Parkinson’s Disease through Eye Movements: A Promising Tool for Early Diagnosis in the Face of Cognitive Impairment

B.Buvana, R .Chaithu, N . Samyoutha
Article PDF | Page No : 13-19

Considering the Attitudes toward the COVID-19 Vaccine, the Levels of Vaccine Hesitancy among Family Healthcare Center (FHC) Employees: A Cross-Sectional Study

Y. Sombabu,SK. Baji baba, M.Rajesh, V.Mariya Babu
Article PDF | Page No : 20-27