ISSN 2693-6356

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Aim and Scope of the Journal

Traditional medicine originated from ancient days. People have started thinking diseases were curse of god. In order to survive man has explored the solutions to control the diseases/infections. Day-by Day the diseases were cured and standard of health has increased. With an intention to provide knowledge to the next generation our ancestors have started representing the information in pictorial form. The aim of the journal is to bring out the importance of applying traditional medicine practices to the current day diseases.

This journal concentrates exclusively on the below topics and accepts all kind of articles to be published.

  1. Traditional Chinese Medicine
  2. Herbal Medicine
  3. Acupuncture - Needle Therapy
  4. Homeopathy
  5. Ethnomedicine
  6. Holistic Medicine and Occupational therapy
  7. American and Indian Native Medicine
  8. Naturopathic Medicine
  9. Integrative Medicine
  10. American Folk Medicine
  11. Tibetan Medicine
  12. Japanese Traditional Medicine – Kampo
  13. Ayurveda: Self-Healing
  14. African Traditional Medicine
  15. Korean Traditional Medicine
  16. Traditional and Complementary Medicine
  17. Siddha and Unani