ISSN 2693-6356

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Volume 4 Issue 6 Nov - December 2021

Case Study Non- Surgical Management of Low Anal Fistula in an Infant with Udumbara Ksheerasutra– A Case Study

Yan Yongia, Che Xi, Li Jianshen
Article PDF | Page No : 1-6

Ayurveda Critical Appraisal of Embryological Concepts (Garbhasharir) Delineated in Ayurveda

Zhan Tao, Hu Yue, Lu Hao
Article PDF | Page No : 16-20

Case Study Multiple Stage Surgical Approach along with Ksharasutra Therapy in the Management of High Anal Fistula (Bhagandara)

Jin Xi, Wan Je, Shen Hifen
Article PDF | Page No : 16-20

Social Status and Individual Identity A Study of Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby’

Yoshitom Hisa, Gao Min, Zho Tia
Article PDF | Page No : 21-25