ISSN 2693-6356

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Influence of puerarin, paeoniflorin, and menthol on structure and barrier function of tight junctions in MDCK and MDCK-MDR 1 Cells

Author: Lin Zhang, Shouying Duao*, Yang Lui **, Chang Lqiu, Huichao, Bing Yang, Bai, Pengyue

Doi: 10.63059/ctmj.2024.v7.i01.pp14-23


To find out how the drugs cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB), this study examined how puerarin, paeoniflorin, and menthol affected the structure and function of tight junctions (TJs) in MDCK and MDCK-multi-drug resistance 1 (MDR1) cells. The cells were first treated with puerarin, paeoniflorin, and menthol. Then, they were stained with occludin, claudin1, and F-actin using immunohistochemistry. Next, laser-scanning confocal microscopy was used to examine the cells. An epithelial voltage voltmeter was used to assess transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER), and ImageJ software was used to analyse the average optical density (AOD) of the protein immunofluorescence pictures. The results showed that tight junction proteins treated with puerarin and paeoniflorin were visible under confocal microscopy, but menthol reduced their expression. Similarly, the menthol group's AOD value was downregulated, while the control group's value was not different from the AOD values of cells treated with either puerarin or paeoniflorin, or both. After three hours, the TEER of cells that were not exposed to menthol were comparable to those of the control group, but treatment with With a p-value less than.05, menthol considerably reduced the TEER score. And menthol's TEER-lowering effects on MDCK cells were noticed before those on MDCK-MDR1 cells. Ultimately, it seems that menthol, in contrast to puerarin and paeoniflorin, has the potential to decrease the barrier function of TJs, which in turn enhances paracellular transport and drug penetration of the bloodbrain barrier.

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