ISSN 2693-6356

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Kamdudha Rasa, an Ayurvedic Formulation: A Pharmaceutico-Analytical Evaluation

Author: M.Sumathi,C H.Kalyani , K. Amalla

Doi: 10.63059/ctmj.2018.v1.i03.pp5-9


The ancient literature Rasaamritam describes Kamdudha Rasa, an Ayurvedic herbomineral concoction. We classify Kamdudha Rasa (KM) as a kind of Kharliya Rasayana. One of the Samskaras (processes) listed that may assist bring about the desired change in the aforementioned medications is Bhavana (levigation). The purpose is to make Kamdudha Rasa and examine it using the appropriate analytical parameters. METHODOLOGY: Pharmaceutical processes were done in five phases, Preparation of Guduchi Sattva (powder of Tinospora cordifolia), Extraction of Amalaki Swarasa (fresh juice of Emblica officinalis), Shodhan (purification) of Swarna Gairik (SG) (Orche) with Go-Ghrita (cow ghee), Bhavana to Shodhit Swarna Gairik by fresh Amalaki Swarasa for 21 times and finally addition of Shodhit and Bhavit SG and Guduchi Sattva in mentioned quantity along with Mishri (sugar). Loss on drying, extractive value in water and alcohol, pH, particle size, bulk density, tap density, and microbiological load were among the parameters tested in the subsequent Physico-chemical Analysis of the final product. RESULTS: Kamdudha Rasa exhibited analytical specs including pH 5.14, 37.5% water solubility, 5.5% alcohol solubility, and 0.01% w/w loss on drying. Each Bhavana spent around 6-7 hours a day on trituration. By the conclusion of Bhavana, the final work had all the hallmarks of Subhavita Lakshana. The total rise in weight was 38.88%. HPTLC at 254 and 366 nm showed that Guduchi Sattva was consistent with reference materials. In conclusion, Bhavana has a significant impact on both product quality and medicine effectiveness. Because of its hygroscopic properties, KM must be kept in a dry, sterile, airtight container.

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